Friday, December 11, 2009

Batch File Call Python How To Invoke A Perl Script (with Arguments) Or A Windows Batch File From A Browser?

How to invoke a Perl Script (with arguments) or a windows batch file from a browser? - batch file call python

As a Perl script (with arguments) or a Windows batch file from a browser with JavaScript or other call? The ideal case is a button on a Web page and click on the button will start as a batch file or Perl script, or to call other applications.


ram said...

This requires a web server (better for Perl and shell scripts is Apache) and some basic knowledge of how Perl scripts to the interpreter. What are you doing not very easy in Windows - Nevermind the fact, Unix / Linux world has to do, it has been given more than Windows. The Windows Shell can not do for you. Apache on Windows allows you to do this, but for the treatment of "shebang" line of Perl (and other) shell or CGI script that you want.

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