Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nec Wireless Projector Does Anyone Know How I Would Connect A Wireless Projector To My Wireless Internet At Home?

Does Anyone know how I would connect a wireless projector to my wireless internet at home? - nec wireless projector

I have an HD projector NEC NP1150. It is a beauty. It also has wireless networks. I have the manual and for some reason can not find it on the Internet. But I try to do the projector to my wireless in my house, in conjunction with wireless technology and can not understand how the hell. I know it is a shot in the dark, cuz not everyone has a projector of $ 3,000.00, but I thought it a try.


Anonymous said...

Here is the manual: ...

The capacity of the network so that you can control the projector from a web browser or Windows Vista, you can turn the projector on a computer screen with wireless capability built into the projector some versions of Windows Vista.

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